Monday, February 19, 2024

Heads Up

The link for this week's live-streamed service is here.

After all the excitement of the Christmas season, mid-week activities at SPPC slowed down in January. However, a glance at the church calendar shows activities are ramping up.

  • Bible Study: (or Book Study) continues on Wed. with our third session on Larry Crabb's The Safest Place on Earth. This is not your mother's Bible Study! The topics addressed are not easily slotted into topics and the discussion can go anywhere -- and often does. One of the aims of Crabb's discourse is to encourage spiritual community. Although we aren't following a prescribed route to get there, our small group discussions are examples of how that community might develop. There are still copies of the book available if you'd like to join in the process.

  • On Thursday of this week, at 10:00 am SPPC hosts Friendship Coffee. This is another not-so-small group where folks from within the congregation and those from without join together to share conversation, laughter, and sympathy over a cup of coffee or a pot of tea. There is no cost, no dress-code, and no age barriers. All are welcome to come -- meet a friend, bring a friend, and make a friend.

  • World Day of Prayer is at the beginning of March, but on Thursday, Feb. 22, at 1:00 pm, Anyone wishing to sing is invited to a choir rehearsal St. Elizabeth's, 10030 3rd Street, in Sidney. If you sing in a church choir, or wish you sang in a church choir, this is an opportunity to join with others and lift your voice in praise of our Maker.

On Thursday, February 29 at 1:00 p.m. SPPC will host a Vintage Fashion Showcase and Tea: Spring Fashions from 1860 to 1980. A limited number of tickets are available at $20 a piece. The tea will be prepared in house. The fashions and life music are supplied and modelled by Vintage Fashion Showcase.

  • As mentioned above, the World Day of Prayer will be celebrated on Friday, March 1 at St. Elizabeth's in Sidney.

  • Finally, for those who are looking further ahead in their calendar, The Vancouver Island Presbyterian Women’s Retreat takes place April 26-28 at Camp Imadene on Mesachie Lake. Contact the church office 250 656-2241 for more information.
Busy days ahead. I didn't even mention that Easter is early this year. Let us enjoy the opportunities for fun and fellowship at SPPC, but let us never forget that Christ is at the centre of our life together.


1 comment:

  1. That's great, now I can get organized and start my week off! Thank you.
