Monday, May 13, 2024

A "New" Mother's Day

 The link for this week's live-streamed service is here.

Sunday was Mother's Day. In the church we call it "Family Day," but everyone knows that Mom is the star of the show. How fitting, then that we celebrated the sacrament of Baptism at SPPC on that day. We welcomed baby Owen William Dean into the family of God and into the fellowship of Saanich Peninsula Presbyterian Church.

And we celebrated his Mom and his whole extended family as all of us together promised to uphold them as they raise, this child, offering guidance, teaching and support in Christian love.

We've had other baptisms at SPPC but more often than not, our connection to the baby is through grandparents or other relatives. Many times, the child doesn't live on the Saanich Peninsula, so our involvement is by long distance.

Owen, on the other hand, has been attending SPPC since he was only a few weeks old. His parents, his grandmother, and his aunt, his uncle and his cousin are all faithful members of our congregation. We look forward to watching him grow in "wisdom and in stature and in favour with God and man."

Of course, we celebrated with cake. 

And for those who may be missing their mom at this time, I found this little fragment of poetry.

. . . She taught me all of beauthy that I know 

The deathless creed of blossom and of wing

And still I find her love's reflected glow

      In every lovely thing.

Love never ends

Thanks, Mom.


Monday, May 6, 2024

Presbyterian Women’s’ Retreat -- A Mountain Top Experience


The link for this week's live-streamed service is here.

 by Linda Cliff

I have been home from the retreat for a week and can still feel the joy of being in a Spiritual Community.  For those of you wadding through Larry Crabbs’ book The Safest Place On Earth, it is worth the work!

Rev. Mona Scrivens helped us to look at who we are in Christ… we are the children of God.   She looked at this in four parts.

You are IN:

INvited Luke 7:37-47

You are invited into the family

Invaluable:  1Corinthians 12:12-22

We have been created with a purpose, we each have our gifts, and we are the body of Christ

INfluencial:   Matthew 5:13-16 and John 4:9-39

We are the salt and the light. We have no idea how we can influence and change someone’s life. We are Influencers!

Invested: Luke12: 17-21 and Matthew 6:19

Don’t horde what you have.  It is better to give than receive.  Pour out don’t store.

Each session with Mona was powerful, she demonstrated through the scriptures each of her points in a way that was understandable and attainable.  There were opportunities for us to meet in groups and discuss topics such as Christ in the everyday, or go for a nature walk or visit the craft or puzzle table. Another opportunity the weekend offered was to meet people of different ages and from churches on the island. (7 decades were represented)

The organizers of this retreat wanted the participants to feel cared for and honoured.  They showed this in the decorations of the venue, the many treats, the hilarious movie they showed, the opportunities for quiet time, the worship music, the games we played.  I have not mentioned how wonderfully Camp Imadene met our needs.  The cabins were comfortable, there was a hot tub and the food was outstanding.

We ended the weekend with communion and on my part a desire to attend the next year. I hope you will accompany me!  This is an opportunity to be in a spiritual community:  to pray, sing, worship, play.

Please feel free to talk with Joan Adamcsack, Norma Scott or myself; we would love to talk to you!