Monday, April 29, 2013
by Linda Cliff
Let me introduce myself. My name is Linda Cliff and I am excited to say that I have volunteered to be the Library person for Saanich Peninsula Presbyterian Church. Everyone says they are excited when they get a new job and then comes the hard work and some of that excitement can fade. Hopefully, that will not be my story as I always wanted to be a librarian, and now that I have retired from nursing I will get a chance to fulfill this wish.
I recently attended a Conference presented by the Church Library Association of BC (CLABC). At this conference I learned:
The church library needs a mission statement
The church library is a Ministry
The church library should be set up to support members of the congregation in their walk of faith
Volunteers are an integral part of any church library
There needs to be policies and structure so that operation of the library is not a mystery to the congregation
The CLABC was developed to help congregations like ours make the most of their libraries
Quite the list! And these are only the high points.
We are a small library however there are many interesting books that you may find useful. Over the next weeks, I will organize the books we have into categories that will make it easier for you to find a topic that you may wish to explore.
There are many Bible Study guides available and this may be something you wish to continue after our weekly Bible Study takes its summer recess. Also, there are many works of fiction that would be perfect for your summer reading!
The Library is located in the main hall and you will be seeing some more books added over the next month. These books were donated and will add some more current titles to our collection. As the Mission Statement and some policies are developed I will be sharing them with Session and then with you.
How can you help? I will be looking for volunteers in the future and if you read a book that you feel may help someone in their walk of faith, do a book review so that we can all grow in the knowledge of the Lord and His love.
Monday, April 22, 2013
The term Youth Ministry is often used to denote a ministery to youth in the church. In this case I'm using it to describe the ministry of the youth in our church both to the congregation of SPPC and to the larger world.
Last Sunday, they held a bake sale to raise funds to support our foster child, Ramsha, in India.
This Sunday, they sang an anthem in church, then presented a concert at the Shoal Centre, bringing music and a few smiles to to residents there. Note the rainbow created by Felicity for this occasion. You can see it in the Ross Lounge now.
Next Sunday, they will be taking part in the service as readers, greeters, ushers and fellowship leaders.
It is common practice for churches to ponder what they can do for the youth in their midst. SPPC is privileged to ponder "what is our youth contributing today?"
Last Sunday, they held a bake sale to raise funds to support our foster child, Ramsha, in India.
This Sunday, they sang an anthem in church, then presented a concert at the Shoal Centre, bringing music and a few smiles to to residents there. Note the rainbow created by Felicity for this occasion. You can see it in the Ross Lounge now.
It is common practice for churches to ponder what they can do for the youth in their midst. SPPC is privileged to ponder "what is our youth contributing today?"
Monday, April 15, 2013
The Living Flame Choir has an anthem called "The Good Samaritan" that repeats the question, "who is my neighbour and just how far should my love go?"
Well, one of our neighbours at SPPC is the Field of Dreams just across the traffic circle. So, when they were looking for sponsors, for the over 400 children involved in ball programs there, they came to our church. Session discussed the request and decided that this was a place we could practice being a good neighbour. SPPC is now a gold sponsor of the Field of Dreams. Look for us in their programs and on their scoreboard. You might also find the odd ballplayer enjoying a hot dog in the SPPC parking lot.
At the other end of the spectrum, is the
Extended Care wing of the Saanich Peninsula Hospital. We provide ministry there too, by taking a worship service on the afternoon of the fourth Sunday of every odd month. I was there in March and witnessed first hand the practical ways members of our congregation show forth the love of Christ and practice the art of being a Good Neighbour.
As an institution SPPC is present to our neighbours, but what about you? As individuals we also need to share the gospel, offer a helping hand, cheer on a new Christian and hold a cup of water for the thirsty.
"Who is our neighbour and just how far should our love go?"
Well, one of our neighbours at SPPC is the Field of Dreams just across the traffic circle. So, when they were looking for sponsors, for the over 400 children involved in ball programs there, they came to our church. Session discussed the request and decided that this was a place we could practice being a good neighbour. SPPC is now a gold sponsor of the Field of Dreams. Look for us in their programs and on their scoreboard. You might also find the odd ballplayer enjoying a hot dog in the SPPC parking lot.
At the other end of the spectrum, is the
Extended Care wing of the Saanich Peninsula Hospital. We provide ministry there too, by taking a worship service on the afternoon of the fourth Sunday of every odd month. I was there in March and witnessed first hand the practical ways members of our congregation show forth the love of Christ and practice the art of being a Good Neighbour.
As an institution SPPC is present to our neighbours, but what about you? As individuals we also need to share the gospel, offer a helping hand, cheer on a new Christian and hold a cup of water for the thirsty.
"Who is our neighbour and just how far should our love go?"
Monday, April 8, 2013
By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.John:13:35
On Sunday morning, there was evidence of much love within the congregation of SPPC. We celebrated two important birthdays.
With flowers,
with the singing of happy birthday, at least twice if not four times.
We had laughter and good wishes and friendship. We rejoiced together and gave thanks for the years we have shared. We broke bread (cake)together and we embraced one another as members of the family of God.
Hallelujah and Happy Birthday.
Monday, April 1, 2013
Christ is Risen.
He is Risen Indeed. Hallelujah!
He is Risen Indeed. Hallelujah!
8:00 am in Cy Hampson Park.
The bird came to sing
For the first time in five years, we didn't have to carry umbrellas.
This one was too small for the group photo.
9:00 am in Molloy Hall. Easter bonnets on display.
A birthday girl.
Happy Easter one and all.
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