I just reviewed the last few blog posts and it seems I'm on a food kick. Must be something to do with the amount of produce in my garden. This week I'm still looking at food, although not from my garden this time. I make no apology. Food is essential to life, a gift from God. He sent manna to the Isrealites. Christ likened his body to bread. Hospitality is a gift of the Holy Spirit and the sharing of food marked the fellowship of the early church. It is small wonder that food plays such an important role in our life as a congregation.
At SPPC we partake of the Lord's Supper with dignity and reverence in our worship service, four times per year, but we practice hospitality and the sharing of food nearly every Sunday, and it is nearly always cake; beautiful, generous, lovingly-wrought cake. I overheard a newcomer to our congregation remark, "I've been to this church three times and there's been cake every time!"
When Marie Antoinette famously dismissed the masses with "let them eat cake," it wasn't these beautiful creations she had in mind.
We know that the early church was made up of slave and free, Jew and Gentile, men and women, old and young and a sprinkling of Roman soldiers. Such a diverse group needed to find ways to strengthen their unity. A shared meal was one choice. Acts 2:46
Romans 12 talks of many gifts, one spirit. While the list doesn't include baking cakes specifically, I believe they could fall under the category of giving and serving and cheerfulness.
In 1 Cor. 11: 2-22 Paul rebukes the members of that congregation for their lack of hospitality, some taking more than their share while others go hungry. I don't think I've ever seen us run out of cake.
So, to all those generous, hospitable, talented people who share their gifts so freely, I say thank you. You brighten our fellowship, fill us with good things, inspire us with thankfulness, and no one is sent away hungry.
The Saanich Fair is coming up this weekend. There will be lots of cakes to look at but they'll all sport "don't touch" notices. How wonderful that we can see and touch and taste.