Monday, April 24, 2017

Seen Around

From time to time members of the congregation send me pictures of events they've attended either at the church or elsewhere.  Today, this blog features some of those photos.  My thanks to Russell Kierstead, Janet Smith and Tore Valdal,

These are photos from the farewell party for Joan.

Bin Sie held a coffee party!

Yolanda had a birthday

More scenes from the Easter Sunrise Service at Cy Hampson Park.

Thank you to all who submitted photographs and a word of encouragement to those who might.  It is wonderful when this blog can offer a perspective from many members of the congregation.  If you have photos you'd like to share in this space, send them to me at or see me at church. 

Monday, April 17, 2017

Easter 2017 - Sunrise Service

For only the second time in 10 years, the sun shone at our "sunrise" service.

The usual bird came to visit.

Early risers proclaimed, "Christ is risen, He is risen indeed, alleluia"

Can you spot the difference?

Monday, April 10, 2017

Good Friday - Seven Last Words

Easter is the major festival of the Christian Church, but in our modern culture it is given short shrift.  In December, and before, we begin preparations for the birth of Christ -- baking, decorating, shopping, wrapping, visiting, concerts, pageants -- the list is endless.  It is a season of good will, smiling faces and open hands.

Easter, on the other hand, is squashed into one long weekend in spring.  It doesn't even have a fixed date. While lots of children look for the Easter bunny and a basket full of chocolate, and Easter lilies appear for sale in the flower shops, that's about the extent of the secular world's celebration of this most important religious event.  Good Friday is largely ignored, except as a day off.

Small wonder.  Good Friday is hard.  There is no way to make it pretty.  On this day we commemorate the death of Jesus upon the cross.  An act of cruelty beyond our imagining, crucifixion was reserved by the Romans for the worst criminals.  It was barbarous, cruel and degrading.  Yet that is how Jesus died, given up to mob violence by those who feared His power and authority.  Pilate said, "I find no fault in him." John 19:4, but the crowd shouted "Crucify him!"  In the face of such ugliness, it's small wonder that our world wishes to turn away.  But we do so to our detriment. 

Without Good Friday, there is no Resurrection Sunday.  We must bear witness to Christ's death in order to celebrate His victory over death.  We must see and acknowledge His sacrifice in order to reap His gift of eternal life.  Good Friday is not pretty, but it is necessary.

At SPPC we will mark Good Friday with a meditative service that invites the worshipper to ponder in his heart the profound meaning of the day. The DieMahler String quartet will perform Haydn's Seven Last Words of Christ, interspersed with readings from scripture.  

The seven last words from the cross are:

 I. Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do (Luke 23:34)
II.  Today you will be with me in Paradise (Luke 23:43)
III. Mother, behold thy son (John 19:26)
IV. My God, My God, why have you forsaken me? (Mark 15:34)
V.  I thirst (John 19:28)
VI. It is finished (John 19:30)
VII. Father, into your hands I commend my spirit (Luke 23:46)

All are welcome.  Service begins at 10:00 am.

Holy Week services at Saanich Peninsula Presbyterian Church

Maundy Thursday:            --  6:00 pm meal in the Upper Room 
Good Friday:                        --  10:00 am  The Seven Last Words of Christ
Easter Sunday Services:   -- 8:00 am Sunrise service, Cy Hampson Park
                                                   -- 9:00 am Breakfast in Molloy Hall at the church
                                                   -- 10:00 am Worship in the Sanctuary
                                                                                                              with choir and string quartet

Monday, April 3, 2017

PLC Round Up

by Felicity Smith

On Friday March 10th the Parking Lot Club (PLC) hosted a Pasta dinner and move night, featuring ‘Despicable Me’. The families that attend the PLC were invited as well as members of the congregation to join us, hoping to join the two together. SPPC has greatly supported the growth of the PLC for the last six months since we began but not many members of the congregation had yet had a chance to meet many of the kids Al and I see and interact with every week. The invite for the dinner was well received by both parties and we had a total attendance of just over 50 people. About a dozen of the boys that attend PLC joined us for the evening. They all gathered at the back table for dinner and to my surprise, they were the quietest group there, sitting and chatting amongst each other until it was time for the movie.

The last couple of weeks the weather has allowed us to bring our activities outside, and even get the BBQ out! We have lots of new plans for the PLC this summer; new sports, new activities, special outings and hopefully another dinner for the families and congregation. We are very excited to see what the next couple of months have in store for the PLC as we enter the summer season.

Thanks to everyone for the continuous thoughts and prayers, they are greatly appreciated.