It snowed this week. And then snowed some more. Then it snowed again. The wind came up. It got really cold. It snowed.
Our intrepid secretary resorted to a taxi to get to work.
Just like B.C. Ferries, the airport, the school district and many businesses, SPPC cancelled or postponed most events in the early part of the week, including the discussion of the book If You Want to Walk on Water you have to get out of the boat.
The police issued warnings for everyone to stay home, so instead of showing you pictures of the snowstorm at SPPC, here are a few from around my house.
By Thursday the weather let up a bit. Crews arrived to clear the snow from the parking lot. The sun shone. Our brave choir members came out for rehearsal on Thursday night.
The sun came out and the world was beautiful |
crew at work |
Sunday service will proceed as usual and all is set for our 2020 luncheon on Monday at noon.
Being snowed in is a good reminder to us all that we do not have the control over our lives that we think we do. Proverbs 19:21 Be grateful if you were warm and dry and thank God for this bounteous, beautiful world -- His gift. Col 1: 16-17
For the Beauty of the Sky
For the love which from our birth
Over and around us lies
Lord of all, to Thee we raise
This our hymn of grateful praise.