The link for this week's live-streamed service is here
Whee, what a week! It seems SPPC is making up for time lost to the pandemic.The beginning of the week, Monday, saw the Christmas edition of the Sunshine Lunch. People who live alone often miss out on Christmas parties; the Sunshine Lunch remedies that lack. The guests enjoyed good food, laughter, and companionship. Even Santa made an appearance.
On Friday 25 people rode the bus and went to the Legislature for lunch--we enjoyed the last outing of this sort so much, we asked for another. Most had the turkey dinner. Most also went for the fabulous dessert tray. One couple from Sidney got on a Langford bus when we were heading home but I saw them in church on Sunday, so they did find their way up the peninsula.
Sunday morning worship, the choir turn out was 100% and we sang a rouser of an anthem. If you missed it, listen to the YouTube version linked at the top of this page. Oh yeah, the sermon was pretty good too.
Also on Sunday was a bake sale to raise funds for our Mission Team that's heading to the Dominican Republic in the spring. It was a great opportunity for people who love homemade Christmas goodies but didn't want to make their own.
And . . . we had the blessing of White Gifts. These are items collected during December for the members of our congregation who find getting out and about difficult. As usual, the congregation was generous. At home, far away, or in the pew, we do not forget the members of our church family.
Finally, on Sunday afternoon, we invited the community to join us for a carol sing. There was snow in the air so numbers were low but those who came were enthusiastic.  |
Our emcee, Minister Emeritus, Rev. Kinnon
We had an abundance of cookies after the singing, and folks did stay around and visit. Shortbread, mince tarts, almond tarts, apricot balls . . . Why go out in the snow when you can stay in and get a sugar high instead.
And now we wait, in anticipation of Christmas Eve, that Silent Night, Holy Night, that hails the birth of our Saviour. The One who came to bring us hope and peace and joy and love.
Please join us at SPPC for the 7:00 pm service on Dec. 24th.