The link to this week's live-streamed service is here.
This week I saw a man with a dirty face. I did a double take because, other than the smear on his forehead, the man was clean and tidy. Then I realized the mark I saw was the sign of the cross. It was Ash Wednesday. The man displayed his faith on his face.
Wednesday was also Bible Study day at SPPC. When I encountered the man with ashes on his brow, I had been in a discussion about how our works make our faith visible. Remember, we are studying the Book of James.
We talked of how some will display their faith in their dress, e.g. a clerical collar, a nun's habit, or a Salvation Army uniform. But, for a good Presbyterian, dressing in the garb of our faith isn't an option.
Since we were studying James, we talked about actions that show our faith. But our actions are often done quietly or in secret, as instructed in scripture. We slip an envelope of money into the collection plate, face down. Without fanfare, we fill boxes with food for the Food Bank, we collect medical supplies for the Dominican Republic and for the Ukraine. Often, no one knows about our charity.
We may serve in a soup kitchen, or a community dinner, but many people do that. They may be motivated by their faith, or they may be there because their company "voluntold" them to show up.
So, how do we show our faith in actions?
Deeds are the outer reflection of our inner lives. As we grow in our faith and our relationship with Christ, we will lead lives that reflect His teaching. To use a Biblical analogy, we will bear good fruit, and that fruit will be evident to others.
In another church I attended, the choir would recite the chorister's prayer before rehearsal. Bless, O Lord, us thy servants who minister in thy temple; Grant that what we sing with our lips, we may believe in our hearts, and what we believe in our hearts we may show forth in our lives; Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
The world may not see our good works the way I saw the ashes on one man's face, but if we believe in Christ, our faith will show forth in our lives, for others to see.
In this season of Lent, let usresolve to let the light of Christ shine through us like sunlight through a stained glass window.
Speaking of James, here is a question from this week's Bible Study. "Describe a time in your life when obedience to God was or could have been at great personal cost to you." The Biblical examples given were Abraham and or 7:00 pm.