Monday, April 11, 2011


 I think I have been at SPPC about 14 years, give or take a few. ( I came just after Rev. Barb became pastor.) .My background is long and varied,(including time in the mission field) however, I moved to the Island from Abbotsford when I retired from my job as office clerk in my daughters business. I came to SPPC because my son, Hugh, really liked the people and the service. He was living with me and he felt accepted and loved by the people of the church.  Also, my background is Presbyterian  so I also felt “at home”.
   My favourite part of SPPC is the Wednesday morning Bible Study.  The in-depth study of God’s Word under the insightful explanations of  Rev. Irwin are so meaningful.  The small group discussions are most helpful and a wonderful opportunity to learn from each other and offer personal experiences we can apply to everyday living. 

All the Bible Studies are excellent, but this current study of Romans is special as it is a difficult book to understand.  It is spelling out our need for salvation and how to obtain it in a very clear and understandable way.  Rev.Irwin takes the hard parts and makes them clear. It is the best day of the week. 


  1. It is a great opportunity to meet together and learn. I miss it when I can't make it and I feel spiritually nourished when I can. What a priviledge to be able to study together like that, learning from each other, being guided by God.

    I like what Beulah says about Romans though "Rev. Irwin takes the hard parts and makes them clear." It's so true...but he doesn't make them EASY!!!

  2. Here is are 5 months later and we just finished a study on The Fruits of the Spirit. What Beulah said back then could have been written this morning at our study! We just finished an incredible journey through the list of the fruits of the spirit. There is so much more to scripture than the cursory glance and presumed interpretation we so often give it.

    Praise God for studies that challenge you, encourage you and renew your faith!
