Monday, October 10, 2022

Come, Ye Thankful

 The link to this week's live streamed service is here.

Thanksgiving Sunday -- one of my favourites. Maybe it's the farmer in me that loves bringing in the harvest.  

On Sunday morning the congregation is treated to a table laden with the fruits of the earth but how does that happen?

Around the end of September the call goes out to the congregation for contributions to the harvest table, but really, the work beings in the spring with seeding the garden.

Then we hope and pray the weather will be good at blossom time and that the bees will come.

Weeding, watering and keeping the confounded deer out of the garden occupies the summer months.

Finally, in October, we bring in the harvest, from the garden, to the church, to the Thanksgiving table. 

Into the wheelbarrow and then to the car

From the car to the sanctuary

Finished display

Thanks to all who contributed items for the table. As time goes by fewer of our congregation garden, so it is wonderful that so many find a way to "bring in the harvest." 

Thanks also to Pam for lending her expertise to the arrangement this year. The "usuals" are extremely happy to have new hands to the task.

Of course, Only God can grow a tree. Thanksgiving is a time for hearts full of gratitude for this wonderful Creation that He made and gave to us. For the fruits of His Creation, thanks be to God.

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