At the time there was a very active ladies group, but nothing specifically for men. Since it's a well-known fact that men like to eat, a Men's Breakfast seemed the perfect solution. The number of men attending averages 15 a month, although a personal invitation will induce more men to give the gathering a try.
Bill Stewart, pictured here, is the third convenor of the program. He's been cooking breakfast at the church on the last Saturday of the month for years. He keeps the menu simple, does the shopping and keeps the coffee hot. He also oversees the clean up, where everyone pitches in. George Allen is faithful with the dishwasher. The men I interviewed took pains to point out that the kitchen is cleaner when they leave than when they come in. Since I have no evidence to the contrary, I took their word for it.
As well as breakfast and comradeship, the men have enjoyed guest speakers ranging from football players discussing religion in professional sport to police officers presenting defensive driving techniques, particularly for seniors.
Bill is stepping down from his position. He says that after many years in a job, people become stale. It's time for a fresh approach, but he is as committed as ever to the need for the Men's Breakfast and similar programs. For some members of our congregation, this is their only social network. It provides that vital human connection so necessary in a society where many are lonely and isolated. Even members of the congregation who can no longer attend Sunday services, are able to attend Men's Breakfast, since Bill and others arrange to pick them up and take them home.
Romans 12;13 reminds us to show hospitality. Thanks Bill, for all your years of invitation and service and showing forth hospitality.
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