SPPC has been a busy place this past few weeks. It started with a kitchen clean up. It seems to me the workers had far too much fun!
Then we had a concert by Hector's Friends, a men's ensemble who sing mostly unaccompanied music, led by our own Michael Denton.

And what's a garage sale without
face painting and a bake sale?
Thanks to all to brought and all who bought, to all who sorted and priced and to all who cleaned up afterward. Your efforts have enriched the church coffers by over $1000.00.
If you missed these parties, there is still hope. On Friday, June 15, we are having a pot luck supper followed by a presentation from Linda Cliff, featuring slides of her recent trip to Nepal. Then, on Sunday, June 24, pack your hamper for the church picnic, to be held at Island View Beach, following worship.
Such are the joys of living in a church community.
Ed. Note: For larger view, click on pictures.
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