A lovely, sunny Sunday in July seems like a good time for a celebration and SPPC took up the challenge. This time we took note of Joan's 90th birthday.
Joan is a long-time member of SPPC. When I first came to this congregation she was the unofficial hostess, along with Archie and Vic. If ever there were to be a party, Joan would organize it and cook for it. At her instigation there were St. Patrick's Day pot-lucks, Robbie Burns musicales, International nights, a "just because" BBQ. At the time the congregation was paying off its mortgage and all these occasions helped raise funds toward that goal. They were also great mixers for people new to the congregation.
Joan used to cook for the sunshine lunches as well. That torch has been picked up by Darlene and others, but it is a tribute to Joan that her endeavours are carried on.
She sang in the choir, looked after the choir gowns and managed the music library. I've inherited that job and follow many of her practices. Hey, if it ain't broke . . .
She also started a band called "The Joyful Noise." They entertained at Saanich Peninsula Hospital and other care facilities in the area.
She served as an elder, and treasurer, and organized counters for the offering plate. In her spare time she managed the flower roster.
When the Living Flame put on their Christmas musicals, Joan used to bake up a storm for the reception afterward. She wasn't above roping in her family to help out, either. Here they are celebrating her birthday with her.
How many families celebrate a major birthday by attending church? I guess the cake says it all.
It is a proven fact that people who belong to a church, and take part in the life of the congregation, live longer and more healthy lives than those who do not. One only has to look at the list of ninety plus birthdays that we've marked at SPPC to see evidence of that fact. Helen, Blanche, Barb and Joan had Sunday cakes, but I know there are many others in our congregation who have passed the ninety milestone -- Don, Frank, Betty, Gladys, Emily, and Cedric to name a few. I'm sure there are others. If you want a mention on the blog, just let me know.
So congratulations to Joan and all our senior seniors. May you continue to be blessed as you have blessed SPPC.