Monday, July 8, 2019

Season's Round-up

The end of the school year signals the end of regular programs at SPPC as well. We are now all on summer schedule. Among other things, that means no choir on Sunday morning. Of course, before we went on holiday, the choir went out to dinner. 
At Mary's where the servings were generous!

Speaking of eating, the out-to-lunch-bunch had their second outing on July 4th. Some wore red,white and blue in honour of the US holiday. This time we were at the Spitfire Grill with 21 attendees. 
Next month, August 1, we'll be at the Beacon Landing in Sidney's waterfront hotel. But sure to sign up on the sheet in the narthex if you plan to attend. Obviously, the event is popular and we need to give enough notice to the restaurants we patronize.

When we're not eating out. We're celebrating with food after service. There have been a number of special birthdays lately. 
Carla invited us all to share a cake with her. 

Barb Chorlton celebrated her 102nd birthday, with help from some of the congregation at the Sunshine lunch earlier in June.
 And, finally, Helen Ewing celebrated her 97th birthday on Sunday. Both the cake and Helen look terrific.
The flowers in the sanctuary on Sunday were dedicated to God and in thanksgiving for family. At SPPC we are blessed not only with our birth family, but with the family of believers that make up this congregation. Loving hearts who share joy and sorrow, laughter and singing and occasional tears. Let us give thanks for all those who make up the family of God. Ephesians 2: 19-22

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