Monday, September 16, 2019

Hot Dog Lunch

The weather reports kept us all guessing for days, but in the end, the clouds broke up for just long enough. We had our hot dog lunch outdoors and no one got wet.

Our chefs were particularly grateful for no rain, as they were stuck outside regardless.

It was a fun way to kick off the new term at church. Most of us are beyond school age, but the school calendar is so ingrained in our culture, Sept. feels like a time for beginnings. 

Thanks to all who helped, all who organized, all who came, and all who stuck around afterward to clean up. What a great congregation.

The young and the young at heart

Lots of food!

Just a reminder, Sunday School is now in session, choir practice has recommenced and on Sept. 25 Bible Study will start. We're more than just hot dogs!

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