Monday, March 22, 2021

Ups and Downs

The link to this week's service is here.

The news from SPPC is a mixed bag this week. The good news is, our members are getting their vaccines. I saw in the newspaper that Blanche was one of the first. Kay got hers in the first week of March as well. I'm sure there are others. We often worry that our congregation is elderly, but when it comes to getting vaccinated, elderly is good.

The daffodils in the front beds of the church blooming happily. Nice to see a reward to Linda's hard work last summer and fall. Tore's been adding a few licks of paint here and there--a sure sign of spring.

On the sad front, Rosemary E. passed away this week. I first met her in a Lenten devotional circle. My but that woman could pray! It was my first time sitting in on the group and I was astounded at how Rosemary could talk to God like He was an old friend. Praise, supplication, intercession, adoration poured ceaselessly and confidently from her lips.

Later, in Bible Study class, I got to know her better. As well as being a prayer warrior, Rosemary was a keen student. On Wednesday mornings she'd show up with her workbook full of notes, the questions already researched and answered. If I was lucky enough to be in her small group, I could just crib the answer from her. Later she would take the lesson home and go through it all again with her husband. They liked to share books, with her reading aloud to him.

When her granddaughter, Josha, was in the Living Flame Choir, Rosemary was a faithful supporter. She'd turn out with a big smile on her face and a flowery hat on her head, bringing encouragement and gratitude.

Although none of us has been able to meet in person for the past year, I feel a sense of loss. I shall miss Rosemary's kindness, her steadfast faith, her cheerful attitude and her bright pink sweater. 

As per COVID rules, there will be no public funeral, but we keep Reynold, Josha and the whole family in our hearts.

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