This week's livestreamed service can be found here.
A "normal" Wednesday morning |
As more and more Canadians are vaccinated against COVID 19, we can look ahead with hope. Life might get back to "normal" by the fall. In the case of our church, after being closed for in-person worship for so long, we have to ask will "normal" be the congregational life we had in January of 2020, or will it be something quite different?
Over the past fourteen months people have developed new habits on Sunday mornings. We have created an on-line presence, we have instituted livestream services. Will the congregation just pick up where we left off, or will there be significant changes.
In an effort to answer that question, Session undertook a survey of the congregation, asking how they saw their church life in the future. There was a response rate of over 85%! A survey response rate of 50% or higher is considered excellent in most circumstances. So, right off, we know that our congregation is still very engaged with SPPC.
Based on the results of the questionnaires, we expect nearly all of the congregation will return for in-person services, but the return will be slow as some will wait until nearly everyone in the community has been vaccinated (herd immunity.) Our live-streamed worship will be a help to folk with health concerns as they can still observe the service while staying away from others.
On the other hand, the survey points to a great yearning for fellowship. We've missed each other. We've missed Bible Study and Friendship Coffee. We've missed shared meals and shared birthday cakes. We want to laugh together, sing together and pray together. No amount of electronics can replace human touch and face-to-face conversation.
On the bright side, about 90% of respondents listed music, prayers, sermon and fellowship as important or very important in their church life. Rev. Irwin has bragging rights as the sermon received the highest approval rating with a one point edge over congregational hymns.
When we can gather again we'll notice gaps in our midst. During the months of the pandemic many faithful members have been called to glory. Given that we cannot hold regular funerals, it as though those folk have simply disappeared. Perhaps, when we are "normal" again we can have a service of remembrance to say a proper good-bye.
In the meantime, "love thy neighbour."
considering others better than yourselves. And look out for one another's interests, not just for your own. The attitude you should have is the one that Christ Jesus had:
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