The link to this week's streamed service is here
It has been a mixed bag of events at SPPC this week.
First, we rejoice that we can meet together again. We sang two hymns on Sunday and I visited with folk I haven't seen since November 2020.
Rev. Irwin is away. We're happy he is having a little holiday after the strain of the past eighteen months. But is being a kitchen helper at Camp Imodene really a holiday? OTOH, Diane is head cook so he has an in with the boss.
Once again we welcomed Pastor George Hodgson to the pulpit. Although he regularly threatens us with ultra-long sermons, this Sunday we received only part one of his message. Come back on July 25 for part two.
Helen celebrated her 99th birthday last week. On Sunday morning she was in her usual pew at church looking fresh and pretty as ever. All our best wishes Helen. I'm looking forward to one great big cake later in the summer when SPPC celebrates all our missed birthdays.
And here's a date to put on the calendar for Friday, July 16 at 6:30 p.m. The Raven Baroque--Larry plays cello with them--are playing at the Sidney Bandshell at the bottom of Beacon Avenue. Admission is free. Come and enjoy an evening of music in our lovely weather.
It was good to see Erik on Sunday morning. He had been working in a clinic in Lytton just hours before fire levelled the village.
On a sadder note, at the age of 92 Joan M was called home to the Lord. We will miss her. When we first came to SPPC she was a sort of unofficial welcome committee along with Archie and Victor. She organized no end of parties--St. Andrew's, St. Patrick's, International Day, Hawaiian night--you name it, Joan could whip up a feast suited to the occasion.
She served as an elder and treasurer, then created a roster for money counters for the offering plate on Sunday. She also set up a list of people to provide flower arrangements for Sunday mornings.
She was a real supporter of the Living Flame Choir, especially when we put on a musical drama. I'd ask if she would cater a "small" reception, i.e. coffee and cookies, and she'd lay out a spread of tempting and exotic treats.
On Sunday morning Pastor George spoke about the behest to "shine" with the gifts God gave us. Always elegant and gracious, Joan had many gifts and she used them all to glorify God and to serve her community at SPPC. We mourn her passing and pray for peace for her family, and we thank God for giving us Joan for more than ninety years.
1 Thessalonians 5:9-11
“For God has not destined us for wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for us so that whether we are awake or asleep we might live with him. Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.”
Good blog, thanks Alice.