Monday, August 9, 2021

Music for a Summer's Night

 The link for this week's service is here

Raven Baroque (Larry's instrumental group) has had a busy concert week, and Thursday, they entertained at SPPC. The one's in fancy dress are the regular players in the group. They were augmented by a couple of guests.

The program included pieces by Albinoni, Corelli, Pergolese, Scarlatti, Handel, Vivaldi and Purcell, the rock stars of the Baroque Age. Kate Rhodes, who plays violin in the group, also sang a couple of songs. Worshippers at SPPC will recognize her from her guest appearance on a Sunday morning this summer. 

We didn't get much rain on Saturday but it was enough to give a little relief to the parched earth. Despite the heat and drought, we've enjoyed lovely flower arrangements from Norma's garden all summer long. I hope the rain extends the life of her plants and those flowers continue to brighten our sanctuary and our worship. 

At the church, Linda continues to work away at the flowerbeds. This summer it has been hot, hot work. Tore has increased watering times on the automatic sprinklers to try to keep things alive. 

Gardeners love to share and Linda has received offers of plants from other people's gardens. If you have lavender or heather or other ground cover you'd like to donate to the church landscape, she would love to have them. Anything that requires lots of maintenance is regretfully declined. 😀Speak to her any Sunday or give her a call.

When I heard the raindrops on the roof Saturday night, my mind flew instantly to Mendelssohn's "Elijah." It contains a wonderful chorus, "Thanks be to God, He laveth the thirsty land." We didn't get the gathered, rushing waters Elijah witnessed but thanks be to God, for the rain we did receive.

In the third year of drought, God sent Elijah to Ahab. Read

1 Kings 18, 41- 46

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