The link for this week's streamed service is here.
As we begin the third year of the pandemic many of us are feeling discouraged, disconnected and downright cantankerous. Today's post is a cheerful reminder that the church, both the larger church in the world, and our own congregation at SPPC are still here. Still offering comfort and hope to all comers. Still proclaiming the Word. Still helping our neighbours.
With gathering restrictions in place it may be harder to recognize the church you knew before March 2020 so here is an update on what's happening.
- Worship: The capacity of our expanded sanctuary is 400. Under provincial guidelines we can accommodate 50%, or 200 people at a worship service. We are no where near that limit on a regular Sunday, so if you want to attend in person, please come. We may ask you to show proof of vaccination. If you prefer to stay home, you can still listen to the service on the link provided above.
- Session: The governing board of our congregation met last week to carry on with the ongoing management of our building and our work.
- Worship committee met on Friday to plan worship for the next number of Sundays. With no choir in attendance on Sundays we are trying to choose familiar hymns and invite you all to sing "lustily and with good courage" either in the sanctuary or in your home.
- Friendship Coffee: There was a Christmas meeting of this popular event. We expect to hold another soon.
- Compassionate Warehouse: We are still collecting items for CW. Please call the church office 250 656-2241 to confirm the items you want to donate are acceptable at this time. The organization has had to be very choosy as transportation is an issue. Still, hand tools, hardware, children's clothing, linens and non-breakable kitchen supplies are welcome.
- Bottle recycling: The round bin at the front of the church keeps filling up with bottles for recycling and Joan keeps emptying it out and cashing them in for dollars. Amazingly, since the great disruption of 2020, she has collected nearly $2200.00 for our mission to the Dominican Republic.
- Soup sales: With all the snow and cold weather it is not surprising that sales of homemade soup are popular with the congregation. Darlene stirs the pot and Joan, our own Eveready bunny, distributes the orders. Last week she hand-delivered 100 orders. The proceeds from these sales go to local mission needs.
- Pastoral Care: members of this team keep tabs on our sick and shut-in members, ensuring they receive birthday cards, Christmas boxes, fresh flowers and visits (when permitted.)
- The Prayer Chain: the members of this group receive requests for prayers and quietly and faithfully raise those requests to God. The number of pray-ers is eight. The number being prayed for fluctuates and is currently around 15. Anyone who would like to become part of the prayer chain can contact Alice at 250 656-7090.
This is partial list of formal groups in the church. Of course, many individuals from the minister to the music director to the A/V operators to the snow shovellers keep our congregation functioning. Thanks to every single one of them.
So be of good heart, don't give way to discouragement, remember these words from Isaiah
Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.