Monday, September 11, 2023

Hot Dog!

 This week's live-streamed service is here

It seems the congregation of SPPC loves hot dog day as much as any school class.  On Sunday the sun shone and the temperature hovered in the comfortable range. After service we trooped outside and enjoyed hot dogs, corn, and dessert in the fresh air.

Of course, there is always work to do before and after a meal. Thanks to the kitchen squad for setting up and cleaning up.

We have a "thing" about men and BBQ's. Thanks to Brendan and Tore, our "grillers" par excellence.

Thanks also to the folks who set up chairs and tables, brought salads and desserts, made coffee and shared the fruits of their gardens. What a great way to celebrate "welcome back, Sunday."


Amidst all this food, fun and fellowship, was recognition of Peter's graduation from Stelly's Secondary School. 

At the beginning of the summer Peter was away at sports tournaments, and, in the last weeks, at Camp Imodene  so we had cake for graduation just as he begins his studies at U.Vic. 

Despite the delayed celebration, we are all very proud of Peter. He has been an engaging addition to our congregation since he was two years old.

Peter is the short one in green in the front row

Peter, as Humphrey the cello in a 2015 Christmas musical

Peter is the tall one in the centre, off on a mission trip to the DR in 2023

We have watched with full hearts as he grew and matured into a charming young man.

We wish you success in your studies, Peter, and much happiness in your life.

Peter falling for hot dogs at SPPC Sept. 2023

Peter ready for University


  1. Your kind words warm my heart! I am proud of the young man he has become.

  2. Congratulations to Peter, we'll done!
    Thanks to all for making the hotdog lunch a success once again.
