Monday, September 2, 2024

Bang! It's September

 The link for this week's live-streamed service is here

And just like that, we're in "back to school" season. Where did the summer go? I remember when the holidays stretched out so far before me that I couldn't see the end. Every day seemed as long as a week. 

Summer visitors poured into our home through all the hot days of July and August. Farm work increased to fill the long daylight hours and Fall was a prospect so far in the future as to be irrelevant. My season of "re-creation" contained abundant time.

I guess I've grown up, because this summer has vanished in a flash. Was it the bad weather in the spring? The reluctant garden? The never-ending list of chores? I can't say. I just know that September is here and we're at the beginning of a new season. Session meets on Wednesday and choir practice starts on Thursday. 

We've fortunate at SPPC that the DieMahler string quartet is providing a bridge from summer to fall. They have played concerts at SPPC on the last two Saturdays of August and will play another on Saturday Sept. 14. You also have a chance to hear them on Sept. 7 at St. Paul's United Church in Sidney. All concerts are by donation and start at 6:00 pm. The program is Beethoven and Mozart. 

Beethoven and Mozart -- I think that's an excellent bridge from summer to fall. In my imagination Mozart's music sounds like summer while Beethoven signals the storms of autumn. 

Thank you Larry and Pablo and Kate and Hollis for bringing your music to our church.

Next Friendship Coffee is Sept. 12 at 10:00 am

1 comment:

  1. Out if interest, why does the Sept 7th concert hop over to St Paul's?
