Monday, January 27, 2025

Blue Monday?

 The link for this week's live-streamed service is here

Have you got the January blahs? Did Blue Monday hit you like a ten ton truck? Don't despair. SPPC can help.

Last Thursday about thirty people gathered at the church for Friendship Coffee. One of the best ways to beat the blues is to get out and about and to engage with other people. Here is a sample of the non-blue folks at coffee. 

One of the best ways to beat the blahs is to do something for someone else. I've heard that the folks at Friendship Coffee raised $449.00 for PWS&D during 2024. 

Coming up on Wednesday, Jan. 29, our Bible Study returns. A bit of mental challenge may be just the thing to lift your spirits. We're doing a "Drive Thru' History" and the discussions take many twists and turns. Everything from "Did the Romans shoe their horses?" to "just who were the wise men?" are questions thrown out following the video. Learning, fellowship, coffee and goodies. Who can stay blue with all that on offer.

And don't forget Sunday morning, 10:00 am. Brighten your day with worship. Sing praises to God, listen to the Word read aloud. Pray for each other and the world. Listen to a challenging sermon. Experience the joy of corporate worship.

Speaking of sermons, when I was without a voice my friend came to visit. Since we couldn't chat, we listened to Rev. Irwin's sermon when he filled in at the pulpit at St. Andrew's Presbyterian in Nanaimo. On hearing of our visit, our book club members rolled their eyes and remarked that only my friend and I would listen to a sermon for fun. And it was fun, and stimulating, and thoughtful, and worth hearing. You can check it out here. The sermon starts about 37 minutes into the video.

So, there you have it -- how SPPC helps you beat the January Blahs.

1 comment:

  1. Fun write up and just reading the blog each Monday morning, lifts the "blues" everyone should try it, a great way to start the week! 😊👍
