Monday, February 24, 2025

Annual Congregational Meeting 2025

 The link for this week's live-streamed service is here

Nothing like Canada winning a hockey game over the USA to lift the mood of the country and the mood of the congregation. We approached our 2025 annual congregational meeting with light hearts. 

Actually, the dates are confusing. We held the meeting in 2025 but we were discussing the life of the congregation in 2024.😕

So, in 2024 our fellowship lost three members through death but we added three members through transfer. In addition, we had one infant baptism -- a cause for much celebration -- so we ended the year at +1.

The year had some significant costs on the property side. We replaced our old (32 years) heat pump with a new one. We also did roof repairs and demossing. The money that had been sitting in the property account met its "rainy day." The congregation has been fund-raising to meet those extraordinary costs. 

On the mission and outreach file, SPPC worked hard to support the House Upon the Rock ministry in the Dominican Republic. In a couple of weeks four of our members (including Rev. Irwin) will join a mission team heading to the DR for two weeks of hard work. 

We've also continued to contribute to the Mustard Seed church with our "cozy toes" project. The Blue Bus ministry receives assistance and volunteers from SPPC. We held two food drives for the Sidney/Lions Food bank, in addition to our regular donations to them. Now that the Compassionate Resource Warehouse is open again, we collect useful items for their overseas mission.

Throughout the year, I've reported the many occasions our congregation finds to have a meal together. Not suprisingly, the report from the Fellowship Committee included a long list of parties, meals, cakes, hot dogs, outings and coffee times. And that doesn't include the choir party, or the Sunshine lunch events or the Friendship Coffee meetings. Obviously, we eat well, laugh often, and hold each other close in times of celebration and in times of sorrow.

The annual report highights the "weekday" events of our church life, but Sunday morning worship gets only a brief paragraph. That is a skewed view of our church life. Sunday morning is the centrepiece of our week. We come together to worship because we love the Lord and because He first loved us. Everything else flows from that central truth.

Give unto the Lord the glory due unto his name; worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness. Psalm 29:2

 For where two or three gather in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” Matthew 18:20

1 comment:

  1. From reading today's blog, it would appear to me that we need to rethink our direction for the coming year and seek God's guidance as we travel on. Thanks Alice.
