Monday, December 27, 2010

Sunday School Pageant

On Sunday, the 19th we celebrated white gift Sunday and the presentation of the Sunday School pageant.  With the children we experienced joy and excitement and wonder and that holy night in Bethlehem.  Thank you to all who prepared and presented this unique worship.

Gentle Mary

There were Shepherds
A Host of Angels


Joseph the Carpenter 

Desert footwear

 Unto You is Born a Son

White Gifts 
  Mary kept all these things and pondered them in her heart.


  1. Some of these pictures (the clearest ones) are courtesy of Lyne Moyes. Thanks for sharing, Lyne.

  2. The credit should go to the performers-I only see one of my photos in the blog so the credit belongs to someone else. Thank you to the Cunningham family for including us(Moyes Family) in the church's special evening :D
