Monday, April 15, 2019

Palm Sunday is the beginning of Holy Week. 
On Sunday we started the service with cries of Hosanna! then moved to the sacrament of the Last Supper. 
This seems a very sudden transition from joy and excitement to sorrow and remorse, but it mirrors the Biblical story. Jesus rode into Jerusalem to the adulation of a crowd waving palm branches and hailing him as "Messiah." Before the week was out He had been betrayed and now the crowd shouted "Crucify Him." Mark 11: 1-11.
In the midst of the beauty and sunshine of spring, the Christian church enters its most sombre time of year. 

On Thursday, we will remember the meal in the upper room, the last time Jesus supped with His disciples.
On Friday, we gather in solemn remembrance for Good Friday worship.
On Saturday, we wait.
On Easter Sunday we celebrate the Resurrection with song and word. We cry "Christ is Risen, He is Risen Indeed." We sing hallelujah, giving thanks for God's gift of our risen Lord.

Join us. Here's the schedule:

Maundy Thursday, April 18, 6:00 pm. "Meal in the Upper Room"
Good Friday, April 19, 10:00 am  Worship with strings and choir
Easter Sunday, April 21, 8:00 am Sunrise service at                                                                                     Cy Hampson Park  
                                                  9:00 am Breakfast in the hall.                                                             10:00 am Worship in the sanctuary                                                                            

Everyone is welcome at these events. Easter bonnets welcome but not necessary.

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