Monday, August 10, 2020

Camp Imadene 2020

The link to this week's youtube service is

Camp Imadene as we know it will not happen this summer of 2020. No cabins full of eager campers. No cabin leaders wondering if they'll ever get some sleep. No kitchen staff trying to keep everyone fed and happy.

However, there are still opportunities to enjoy a day camp experience.  Check out these websites for information.

 There will be a lot of staff as campers will be separated into 10 member pods, each with their own leader, and minimal contact with the other pods. In preparation for day-campers Diane, Benjamin and Peter spent a couple of days making physical preparations at the site to accommodate COVID-19 protocols.

There was a hornet's nest that had to be destroyed. 

Time spent in the kitchen produced a little whimsy and a menu board. . .

. . .and some awesome treats. 

Rice Krispie squares?

Camp in 2020 won't look the same -- I saw a cartoon the other day where an older person on her birthday said she wasn't counting 2020 because she hadn't used it--but there will camp. There will be good times, there will be new friends, there will be God-talk. It's all part of our "new normal."

We are grateful to those who have figured out a way to make it happen and still keep everyone safe -- and kind and calm.


This arrived in our in-box at church. If you can, remember all the agencies who are struggling right now. 

As we reopen our doors to welcome our family members back to Our Place at 919 Pandora, we find ourselves in need of toiletries – ( hotel size shampoo, soap, skin lotions, toothbrushes, toothpaste, mouth wash, dental floss, deodorant, safety razors, shaving cream, band aids, sun screen )  Thank you for your continuing generosity to the Our Place Family.  Items can be dropped off at 919 Pandora Ave 7 days per week at Reception.


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