Monday, August 31, 2020

Worker Bees

The link for this week's on-line worship service is:           

For much of the summer we've enjoyed beautiful bouquets from Norma's garden on Sunday mornings. Thank you Norma for sharing the fruits of your labour with SPPC.
For anyone who would like to donate flowers, the sign-up sheet is in the Narthex. Or you could call the office, 250 656-2241

Our church building is now 30 years old, and showing some wear, particularly on the south side. Our stretch of good weather has given the property committee a chance to do some repairs. 

Who measured this?

Where did you go?

Ecclesiastes 4:9
Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labour: (NIV)


Linda continues to bring order to the flower beds. There was an internment in the Garden of Remembrance on Saturday and the landscaping looked beautiful and peaceful. Thank you, Linda for your gift of a green thumb -- and your determination to beat back the horsetail!

Along with Tore, she is now making progress on the front beds. The thicket created by a self-seeded Hawthorne tree and a holly bush is gone. The heather has been rediscovered and the ornamental grasses given some breathing room, and the sidewalk edge cleared of creeping buttercup.


Tore and his multi-tool have cut back wild rose, blackberry and ivy to freshen up the large plantings along the north and east perimeters. He's been stung a few times for his efforts, too.

No fig crop this year but the tree is lush

the more he prunes the more it grows!

Nice work, everyone. With most activities at the church suspended, it is easy to forget that the maintenance needs continue apace. 

Proverbs 16:3
Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established. (ESV)

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your gift of a service and your dedication!
