Monday, June 17, 2024

Food Bank


The link for this week's live-streamed service is here.

A busy Sunday, which included Father's Day cake and a picture of our newest Daddy. 

Congratulations to all the Dads out there, and a hug to all who are missing their Dad today.


During worship we celebrated the Lord's Supper at SPPC. We came together as a community of believers, broke bread and ate it, as Christ commanded "in remembrance of me." The morsel of bread fed our souls.

How fitting then, that at the same service we looked to our neighbours who are physically hungry. 

Anyone who watches the nightly news or reads a newspaper, or eavesdrops at the coffee shop will know the stories about the  need at food banks in B.C.  The Food Bank B.C. website reports a 57% increase in usage since 2019. One in three users is a child. The number of seniors seeking help has increased 20%. In March of this year 98000 individuals sought help from food banks in B.C. Donations have dropped 30%.

At a local level, we support the Saanich Peninsula Lions Food Bank.  They report that demand is increasing month over month. The SPLF serves 1500 - 1800 people per month, about 500 households. Last Wednesday was their busiest day ever recorded with 57 households being served. 

Most of their clients are working people, some with more than one job. More and more seniors are showing up at the door, especially after the death of a spouse, and the loss of that pension income.

The Food Bank partners with local grocery stores to recover fresh produce and dairy products that are still usable. As garden season picks up, they will welcome donations of fresh vegetables and fruit, but please call ahead to be sure there is capacity for storage. 

If you check those collection boxes in the narthex, you will find that our congregation gives to the Food Bank every week.  Our bookkeeper reports that in the last 12 months, we have collected nearly $2500.00 for the food bank. 

In addition, we collect food items every week. We don't need a bribe! But, just for fun, twice a year we put on a drive to increase our givings. A donation earns a ticket in a draw for a hanging basket. At Christmas, Margaret S. won. On Sunday the generous winner was Karen R., a friend of the congregation who helps out in the kitchen on occasion. 

She received this lovely hanging basket. 

Congratulations, Karen, and well done everyone who filled the collection boxes with food and cash. 

Sadly, the need, as noted above, does not end with our draw. Now that school is out, there is an even greater demand for snack food. Those  kids are now cleaning out the fridge at home -- juice boxes, granola bars, peanut butter sandwiches-- all are in greater demand than ever. 

When you do your shopping, please remember to add an item or two for the food bank.

We Give Thee but Thine Own,

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