Monday, June 10, 2024

Friends and Family

 The link to this week's live-streamed service is here.

This weekend was busy for me. I had family visiting. Since they live four provinces away, such get-togethers are special moments. My visitors included a couple of children and I want to thank Anna and our Sunday School crew for making them welcome. We are so fortunate to have teachers willing to give extra effort for little visitors. As Stuart McLean used to say on the Vinyl Cafe, "we may not be big, but we're small." 

Our extra effort for the Sidney Food Bank continues until next Sunday (Father's Day and Communion.) All donations can be dropped off at the church. Bins are in the narthex. The Food Bank has asked particularly for school snack food this time around. When you drop off your items, please enter your name in the draw for a hanging basket, pictured above. Names will be announced next Sunday.

Bible Study resumes on Wednesday at 10:00am and 7:00 pm. All welcome, even if it's your first time. Our lesson is on on Psalm 3. We discuss that most basic of all prayers, "help me!" 

On Sunday morning Rev. Irwin preached on Psalm 69, another cry of despair from the Psalmist. If you have questions about the sermon, Wednesday Bible Study is a good time to ask them. 

Summer is fast approaching and with it a busy "end of term" time at SPPC. Save June 30 on your calendar as a special time to honour our volunteers, the Blue Bus ministry, and our graduates. There may be cake. 

Brother, sister parent, child,
Friends on earth and friends above,
For all gentle thoughts and mild,
Father, unto Thee we raise
This our sacrifice of praise.

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