The link for this week's live-streamed service is here
dedication of white gifts and flowers |
Joy is the theme of Advent Three, and there was lots of joy around our church this week.
On Thursday, my elder and one other threw a party for their parishioners.
We had great fun, unscrambling the names of Santa's reindeer and remembering our right arm from our left, and singing a few carols.
On Sunday morning, the mission commitee held a bake sale in support of the Dominican Republic.
I dropped into the church on Saturday while preparations were under way. In the midst of work, there was joy. Something about giving lifts the heart of the giver. We hope that those who receive from SPPC will be made joyful.
The display of goodies and the rush of eager buyers made the narthex a place of joy following the service.
Advent Three is also white gift Sunday. We no longer bring tins of soup or cans of beans wrapped in white tissue paper. Instead, we bring "toonies" and the pastoral care committee buys gifts appropriate for our shut-ins, many of whom require special diets. The gifts are put into pretty bags and personally delivered. For a little extra joy, the committee also delivers pointsettias to brighten a small space.
Rev. Irwin was at Trinity church on Sunday morning, preaching and administering communion. In his place, Rev. Arnold Alksne, all the way from Pender Island took the service. Rev. Arnie has filled the pulpit at SPPC so many times he is like an old friend. Considering the winds and ferry cancellations on Saturday, there was much joy, especially in the worship committee, when he showed up on Sunday morning.
As Christmas day draws closer, may you know quiet joy, exuberant joy, and the holy joy of Christ in your heart.
A busy week, and a great report, thank you.