Monday, December 2, 2024

Welcome to Advent

 The link for this week's live-streamed service is here.

A few weeks ago we held a deep cleaning bee at the church. We scrubbed and scoured and pulled out furniture, looking into every corner for overlooked cobwebs and stray crayons. By the time we were finished, the church sparkled and smelled like fresh air.

Airing out the quiet room.

Industrious vacuumer who didn't want

her picture taken.

 Always time for a laugh.

 Shining the pews.

Apart from being good stewardship, all that elbow grease made the place ready for Christmas decorations. So, this week, we held a decorating bee. 

These photos show finished product. Sorry I didn't get pictures of all the helping hands.


And now that we are into December, there Christmas events are popping up everywhere. One that is of particular interest to our congregation is the Die Mahler Ensemble playing on Saturday, Dec. 7 at St. Paul's United Church in Sidney. Our organist, Larry, is part of that ensemble and our choir, with friends, will sing a short work based on Christmas carols. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I hope no one is expecting too much from the choir, that is quite the poster! We'll do our best though!
